Thursday, December 7, 2017

Look what I got last night.

Amazon has translated Fortune's Daughters into German and last night I got a boxful of paperbacks in the German language.

If you follow this blog and read in German I would be happy to send an autographed  paperback to the first five people who request it.

if you have a relative who reads in German and would like to give the novel as a gift, that would be fine, too.  Leave name and mailing address.  

I am ever grateful for followers.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Oh, and Merry Festivus, too.

1 comment:

  1. I have just finished reading the Kindle book, «Schwestern des Schicksals». I am deeply impressed by the writing style of Consuelo. And I took an inward part in the profound, intense emotional streams. I still want to read many books by Consuelo, also in French. – How can I get an autograph?
