Monday, August 3, 2015

Editors who used to show up at your house to hold your hand

I belong to a site named "Narrative"

I don't feel worthy of being anywhere near this site because they are the kind of serious writing place that will publish a story by Virginia Woolf  which they did in the current issue.  It is called Monday or Tuesday.

The poem of the week Scars  by Tod Marshall is about the debris that lives under a trailer that is exposed when a windstorm blows off the skirt. 
Everything they publish is literary as in Farrar Straus and Giroux when Roger Straus ran the ship and Michael di Capua was an editor,   as in Viking Press when Tom Guinzberg was editor in chief, as in when the first Tom Wolfe was screaming out in the street at one in the morning that he had written ten thousand words that day.  As in, people who remember who Ford Maddox Ford was and the name of Hemingway's editor. As in Maxwell Perkins. As in, editors who used to show up at your house to hold your hand.    As in, more recently, Jennifer Egan. They have writing contests and award prize money.

Today this magazine arrived in my e-mail box and offered a free - as in free - ad of  100 words.  Just in case I misunderstood, they said it was free about eight times.  Just place the ad between aug 6 and aug 8. 

Anyway, I'm passing this along to my blog readers in case they want to take advantage of it.
72-Hour Classifieds Giveaway!      
To introduce you to our incredibly easy place-it-yourself classified ads, we’re offering free one-month ad placements for all our ad categories.

Any ad placed from August 6 to 8 will run for one month absolutely free. See the ad categories listed below.

In placing your free ad, you may include text highlighting and an image for enhanced marketing of your workshop, contest, services, books, or other items of interest to readers and writers.

Our classifieds are a fast and easy way to reach more than 200,000 readers, and you can create and post your ad online in just a few moments.

See our classified ad categories today, and plan your free ad!