This morning I read that President Obama feels "most
frustrated and most stymied" by the failure to pass "commonsense gun
safety laws through Congress, even in the face of repeated mass killings. He blamed it on the political clout of
the NRA.
Does the NRA have more political clout than all of Congress?
Yes it does. It has more political clout than the
100 Senators and the 435 voting members of the House of Representatives. The NRA and most lobby groups have way
more power than even the president of the United States of America.
What does that mean?
It means the National
Rifle Association can bully 100 Senators and 435 voting Members of the House
into voting for its interests even though the outcome fuels senseless and heartbreaking mass murder.
How can that be.
I didn't elect the NRA. You
mean the NRA is more powerful than my precious democratic government?
Yes. And not only the NRA. The Dairy Lobby, The Phramaceutical
Lobby. Big Agra. Big Pharma. AIPAC. Almost every industry or special interest group has a lobby
and all have political clout. They
can and do bully the congress into doing what they want.
Are you saying that although billed as a democracy, the USA
is run by a shadow government that is killing its citizens with guns, with
antibiotic infested chickens, with radiated milk, with high fructose laced
food, with plastic water bottles that leach poisons into our bodies, with drugs
that create more havoc than they alleviate disease.
Don't we rail against governments that kill their own
people? Aren't we trying to sell them on democracy?
Yes. That's our mission.
Why aren't the citizens outraged by this shadow government? Why isn't there an outcry?
Because the press and
elected officials keep the citizens in a frenzy over things like animal rights,
transgender rights, racism, inane political correctness, abortion, immigration,
the Kardashians.
But aren't those issues important, too?
Of course, but if the
press devoted one tenth the media attention to the totalitarian bully tactics
of the shadow government of unelected thugs that run the Congress, as the air
and print space they allot to Caitlyn Jenner, we would be raging at the door of the Supreme
Court to outlaw lobby groups or impose campaign spending limits so we can make
this obscene rape of our government a punishable act.
How do the lobby groups get so strong?
They dangle a lot of
money in front of the Senators and Congressmen.
Whuck? You mean they buy them off?
Yes. They buy their allegiance. They buy their vote.
Are you saying my elected congressman and my elected senator
are not really working for me but they are working for the NRA and the Dairy
Lobby, and big Pharma and Big Agra and AIPAC and god knows who else?
Then what's the sense of having elections and spending all
that money. Why don't we just quit
the dog and pony show and call ourselves a totalitarian government.
There is no
sense. No sense at all.
Sadly all too true. Keep railing about it, that's all we've got.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Right on the heels of this post, there was the crushing news about Monsanto. Congress has no credibility left.