Yesterday existed as just 24 hours to deduct from my alloted time. I did nothing. I didn’t even go on a circular thinking spree. I didn’t even cook anything because my daughter in law had given me superb leftovers in every category of a well-rounded meal. I ate the grilled tuna for breakfast, followed by some of the pie. I had the Orzo studded with olives, tiny tomatoes, feta and other tasty stuff at about 11 a.m. I ate the green salad around seven p.m with two bites left of the tuna and also the remains of an ingenious cupcake baked into an ice cream cone.
I played spider solitaire until my forearms had a crease in them that could hide a quarter. At different hours of the day I thought about blogging.
I started a blog on aphorisms (dumb meaningless sayings) instigated by someone leaving this on Facebook: “A woman who has no discretion is like a diamond in a pig’s snout.” Tell this to Roseanne Barr or Chelsea (Are you there, Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea) Handler who have made millions with their indiscretions. After reading a bunch of dumb self-delusional one-liners by Ben Franklin, I aborted the blog. (If you object to my calling BF dumb, Google “a penny saved is a penny earned” on BrainyQuotes.
I decided the blog was a dumb idea and went back to spider solitaire. Finally, I fell asleep to the harsh sounds of “The Real Housewives of NYC” Reunion, Part One. Reminds me of the reason Seymour Lipton (sculptor) gave for reading John Leonard’s old Times column “Lives.” “I look forward to being annoyed,” he said. I love that line because we all know what he’s talking about. I watch Mika Brzezinski (yes, I spelled it right) to be annoyed and when she has her father on the show, I am doubly annoyed.
I don’t know what this blog is about, but at least it isn’t about some banal outdated sayings that make little sense in our new complicated world. Make up your own aphorisms and send them to me.
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